What We Do

Montana Youth Action is a nonpartisan, youth-run nonprofit organization with the purpose of promoting political understanding, advocating for progress, and providing opportunities for civic engagement among young Montanans.

The first and most important part of our mission is being youth-run. Montana Youth Action is entirely operated by middle and high school students from across the state! We’re also nonpartisan, meaning we invite youth of all political backgrounds and beliefs into our movement.

Promoting political understanding means creating a culture that encourages self-education, rewards meaningful conversation rather than arguments, and focuses on the individual issues that impact us, rather than broad partisan beliefs that too often divide us as citizens, friends, employees, students, and voters.

It is also within our mission to actively improve accessibility to government and civics for young people and build a more just, equitable society as the proper foundation for sustained civic engagement. We do this through advocacy, protest, issue awareness campaigns, and activism portals.

And providing diverse opportunities for civic engagement and community involvement is the core of our mission. Our goal is to empower young people to find ways to make change that fit them best, which is why we do everything from workshops to rallies to voter registration to fellowships.